Saturday, July 20, 2013


Agoraphobia is Like a Curse to any person.  The person cannot feel his/her whole life as a common life, free life.  Such a Curse I cannot forget and the feeling of this Curse cannot be forgotten. 

What is the Main Symptoms in Medical Science for Agoraphobia?  Let's see:-

Many people think Agoraphobia is only fear of Public Places and open spaces.  But this is only part of it. If you have Agoraphobia then you have no. of fears of various places and mainly SITUATIONS.  For example you have fear of ::--

1.  Entering Shops, Crowds etc.

2.  Travelling in Train, Buses and Planes.

3.  Being on a Bridge.

4.  Being in a Lift.

5.  Being in a cinema, restaurant, etc, where there is no easy exit.

6.  Or Being anywhere far from Home.

[ From]

But what is the solution.  Means a patient only suffer from this problem and want a suicide or Medical Science can help.

Here My Psychiatrist only gives me some Anti-Depression Medicine and says to go for CBT Therapy.  Now, Some Patient are in such place in which there is no any Psychologist available.  As I am in a small town and there is no any psychologist is available.

Then what should we do?  Then A thing is that which is almost available in all area that is Internet.  Yes if you cannot want to go for Psychologist then ONLINE Therapy is not a bad thing.

Only Medicine Cannot help the patient but he/she has to try to get rid of this Curse.  And one Online Therapy MOODGYM can help us.

MOODGYM is a Programe which gives CBT therapy Online.  The Site is Designed by Psychologists of Australia and like this that you or I can feel FREE from Anxiety and Depression. 

For Only One Time You should see and feel this web programe and IT is Absolutly FREE.  No charges.  I Am there and if you want to come and gain CBT therapy for your Phobia then Come and Click to below link:-

Moreover, if you have Psychologist then also you can come and if you have no Psychologist then it is the Best Online Psychologist. 

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